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Courtyard Café Albany Campus Takena Hall, Room 121 Located on the first floor of Takena Hall, the Courtyard Café has a fresh and exciting menu that includes items such as soups, burritos, wraps, and burgers. The café also features a selection of \"grab and go\" products. Got an early class? Stop by for an espresso drink or one of our many hot breakfast items. View the hours and menu below. Order from the Courtyard Café Roast Runners Café Albany ...", "mimetype": "text/html", "mimetypeicon": "html", "lastmodified" : "2025-01-22 01:08:57", "lastvisited" : "2025-03-31 01:10:00", "docsize" : "22K" }, { "title": "Math Support | LBCC", "url": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/current-students/learning-center/math-support/index.php", "clickurl": "https://websitesearch.moderncampus.net/texis/search/redir.html?query=cafe&pr=linn-benton-new&prox=page&rorder=500&rprox=750&rdfreq=750&rwfreq=750&rlead=1000&rdepth=62&sufs=1&order=r&u=https%3A//www.linnbenton.edu/current-students/learning-center/math-support/index.php&redirKey=2754ad1c9fe192751ff54d5394682ecc9d812148", "urldisplay": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/...nt-students/learning-center/math-support/index.php", "abstract": "Zoom Monday: 8:00am - 7:00pm Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm Wednesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm Thursday: 8:00am - 7:00pm Friday: 8:00am - 7:00pm Saturday: 11:00am - 3:00pm Sunday: 11:00am - 3:00pm Math Café (Room 227) ... See above for our hours as well as the link to our Zoom Room. Support for MTH 15 through MTH 111Z We also offer the Math Café, an additional drop-in resource for MTH 15 through MTH 111Z. The Math Café provides a cozy, welcoming environment with knowledgeable staff available for \"just ...", "mimetype": "text/html", "mimetypeicon": "html", "lastmodified" : "2025-03-22 01:10:46", "lastvisited" : "2025-03-31 01:10:03", "docsize" : "27K" }, { "title": "Poetry Club | LBCC", "url": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/current-students/clubs/poetry.php", "clickurl": "https://websitesearch.moderncampus.net/texis/search/redir.html?query=cafe&pr=linn-benton-new&prox=page&rorder=500&rprox=750&rdfreq=750&rwfreq=750&rlead=1000&rdepth=62&sufs=1&order=r&u=https%3A//www.linnbenton.edu/current-students/clubs/poetry.php&redirKey=2acc4bb934bb7928d36cf212d4de936bfe07f3ce", "urldisplay": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/current-students/clubs/poetry.php", "abstract": "The LBCC Poetry Club is a vibrant community dedicated to providing students, staff, and community members with a safe space where they can learn about, listen to, read, write, and workshop poetry. All students and community members are welcome! Meetings are Tuesdays at 3:00pm in Roastrunners Café. Poetry Club members enrich the campus with events like Word Mob and creative projects like the Poetry Wall (located in North Santiam Hall), poetry birdhouses (scattered across the main campus quad), ...", "mimetype": "text/html", "mimetypeicon": "html", "lastmodified" : "2024-12-17 11:53:57", "lastvisited" : "2025-03-31 01:10:11", "docsize" : "18K" }, { "title": "Culinary Arts | LBCC", "url": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/future-students/explore-lb/programs/culinary-arts.php", "clickurl": "https://websitesearch.moderncampus.net/texis/search/redir.html?query=cafe&pr=linn-benton-new&prox=page&rorder=500&rprox=750&rdfreq=750&rwfreq=750&rlead=1000&rdepth=62&sufs=1&order=r&u=https%3A//www.linnbenton.edu/future-students/explore-lb/programs/culinary-arts.php&redirKey=4f649f570f031aa64e0790ee42f79a216b84d6a8", "urldisplay": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/future-students/explore-lb/programs/culinary-arts.php", "abstract": "... It has a commercially-licensed kitchen and bakery, hearth-fired oven, à la carte restaurant stations (pantry, grill, saucier), and butchering/charcuterie area. We supply food to the campus so you'll feed hundreds of customers every day as part of your curriculum. Located on the second floor of the Calapooia Center on the Albany Campus, the Santiam Café and Bistro is operated by the students of the Culinary Arts program. This café-style of service was developed to train students in all aspects ...", "mimetype": "text/html", "mimetypeicon": "html", "lastmodified" : "2025-02-04 01:08:26", "lastvisited" : "2025-03-31 01:09:43", "docsize" : "31K" }, { "title": "Departments | LBCC", "url": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/about/departments/index.php", "clickurl": "https://websitesearch.moderncampus.net/texis/search/redir.html?query=cafe&pr=linn-benton-new&prox=page&rorder=500&rprox=750&rdfreq=750&rwfreq=750&rlead=1000&rdepth=62&sufs=1&order=r&u=https%3A//www.linnbenton.edu/about/departments/index.php&redirKey=61b7223c69c8686d4f89f099065afb1cbe07ba02", "urldisplay": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/about/departments/index.php", "abstract": "... Math Desk (Inside the Learning Center) Monday: 9:00am - 7:00pm Tuesday: 9:00am - 7:00pm Wednesday: 9:00am - 7:00pm Thursday: 9:00am - 7:00pm Friday: 9:00am - 7:00pm Zoom Monday: 8:00am - 7:00pm Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm Wednesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm Thursday: 8:00am - 7:00pm Friday: 8:00am - 7:00pm Saturday: 11:00am - 3:00pm Sunday: 11:00am - 3:00pm Math Café (Room 227) Monday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Wednesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm ...", "mimetype": "text/html", "mimetypeicon": "html", "lastmodified" : "2025-03-29 01:10:05", "lastvisited" : "2025-03-31 01:09:25", "docsize" : "70K" }, { "title": "Correct Math Plus Corequisite Support | LBCC", "url": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/about/news/2024/math-coreq.php", "clickurl": "https://websitesearch.moderncampus.net/texis/search/redir.html?query=cafe&pr=linn-benton-new&prox=page&rorder=500&rprox=750&rdfreq=750&rwfreq=750&rlead=1000&rdepth=62&sufs=1&order=r&u=https%3A//www.linnbenton.edu/about/news/2024/math-coreq.php&redirKey=657001f67a1d84cb5530513c4cd85aa20aad6604", "urldisplay": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/about/news/2024/math-coreq.php", "abstract": "... Supports for Students and Training for Faculty Both corequisite math classes use just-in-time remediation, and instructors connect students with other supports including the college's math cafe, tutoring, the math help desk, and extra time for test review. LBCC provided training for faculty teaching the earliest corequisite classes. And as the college prepared to roll out corequisite education for all math classes in fall 2024, the department provided additional training for faculty who had not ...", "mimetype": "text/html", "mimetypeicon": "html", "lastmodified" : "2024-12-17 11:53:31", "lastvisited" : "2025-03-31 01:09:37", "docsize" : "28K" }, { "title": "AR 1055-01 | LBCC", "url": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/about/bp-ar/1055-01.php", "clickurl": "https://websitesearch.moderncampus.net/texis/search/redir.html?query=cafe&pr=linn-benton-new&prox=page&rorder=500&rprox=750&rdfreq=750&rwfreq=750&rlead=1000&rdepth=62&sufs=1&order=r&u=https%3A//www.linnbenton.edu/about/bp-ar/1055-01.php&redirKey=fdd3e5d243355f4c7d9d65a0502a12f42c58f502", "urldisplay": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/about/bp-ar/1055-01.php", "abstract": "... Limited Public Forums include but are not limited to LBCC art galleries, gymnasiums, libraries, learning centers, the Office of Institutional Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, the Forum Auditorium, the Russell Tripp Performance Center, the Takena First Floor hallway, reception areas in academic buildings or Centers, the Commons, the Courtyard Café, the Roast Runners Coffee House, parking lots, conference and meeting rooms, and classrooms (when class is not in session). On specific dates and ...", "mimetype": "text/html", "mimetypeicon": "html", "lastmodified" : "2025-01-14 01:08:23", "lastvisited" : "2025-03-31 01:09:34", "docsize" : "60K" }, { "title": "Tutoring | LBCC", "url": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/current-students/learning-center/tutoring/index.php", "clickurl": "https://websitesearch.moderncampus.net/texis/search/redir.html?query=cafe&pr=linn-benton-new&prox=page&rorder=500&rprox=750&rdfreq=750&rwfreq=750&rlead=1000&rdepth=62&sufs=1&order=r&u=https%3A//www.linnbenton.edu/current-students/learning-center/tutoring/index.php&redirKey=8ac6a638e42d9cc337969de75281de44510fa7e3", "urldisplay": "https://www.linnbenton.edu/current-students/learning-center/tutoring/index.php", "abstract": "... Students who would like assistance with physics, chemistry, or geology classes can visit the Science Help Desk. Accounting There is additional accounting support for students enrolled in accounting courses. Accounting Tutor: Suzy Beck (becks@linnbenton.edu) Math Math Support: Let us help you with your math questions! The Math Desk and Math Café provide a supportive space where students can get drop-in help with all LBCC mathematics and applied mathematics courses. Writing Writing Center: At ...", "mimetype": "text/html", "mimetypeicon": "html", "lastmodified" : "2025-03-01 01:10:02", "lastvisited" : "2025-03-31 01:10:02", "docsize" : "67K" } ], "parametricfields": [ ], "selectedfields": [ ], "spelling": [ ], "pages": [ ], "next": "", "prev": "" } )