ousearchresults( { "searchsummary": [{ "query": "Legit Reviews for @cosmodix.commtq=uq=", "total": "1", "start": 1, "end": 1, "order": "r", "proximity": "page", "suffixes": "0", "rankorder": "500", "rankproximity": "750", "rankdatabasefrequency": "500", "rankdocumentfrequency": "750", "rankposition": "750", "rankdepth": "31", "urlquery": "" }], "bestbets": [ ], "results": [ { "title": "ChatGPT: Understanding the new landscape and short-term solutions", "url": "https://www.marquette.edu/center-for-teaching-and-learning/documents/chatgbt_understanding-the-new-landscape.pdf#search=Legit%20Reviews%20for%20@cosmodix.commtq=uq=", "clickurl": "https://websitesearch.moderncampus.net/texis/search/redir.html?query=Legit+Reviews+for+@cosmodix.commtq%3Duq%3D&pr=marquette&prox=page&rorder=500&rprox=750&rdfreq=500&rwfreq=750&rlead=750&rdepth=31&sufs=0&order=r&u=https%3A//www.marquette.edu/center-for-teaching-and-learning/documents/chatgbt_understanding-the-new-landscape.pdf%23search%3DLegit%2520Reviews%2520for%2520@cosmodix.commtq%3Duq%3D&redirKey=3186fa8050bde93b0f7bd7d18816046ef18a2f14", "urldisplay": "https://www.marquette.edu/...cuments/chatgbt_understanding-the-new-landscape.pdf", "abstract": "... reference looks legit, but it is completely made up. Even in the simplest lit reviews, it makes things up. I even got it to make up perfectly legitimate-sounding quotations with page numbers to go along with its fake references. In this sort of prompt, I am not saying that it occasionally makes things up, I am saying that OpenAI's GPTs seem to MOSTLY make things up. The good news is that the newer OpenAI GPT-4 is far more reliable and Bing's Chat even provides links for ease of checking. ...", "mimetype": "application/pdf", "mimetypeicon": "pdf", "lastmodified" : "2024-07-30 11:14:53", "lastvisited" : "2025-03-14 21:45:28", "docsize" : "2.4M" } ], "parametricfields": [ ], "selectedfields": [ ], "spelling": [ ], "pages": [ ], "next": "", "prev": "" } )